Foreign students and course participants successfully adapt to the university environment

Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University expands communication of foreign students and course participants and creates favorable conditions for adaptation to getting education and living in Russia, involving them in various university and city events.

So, on February, 11, the Military-Historical festival dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the military operation on "Volochaevskaya hill" was held. Several thousand people became guests of the festival, among them there were foreign students and course participants of Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University. Foreign guests took part in several events: they visited a local museum, a shooting range, and even tasted a so-called “field cuisine”. The reconstruction of the Volochaevskaya battle caused the students’ bright emotions.

"It is a great honor for me to attend this festive event. The atmosphere of the ceremony was very solemn. There were many enthusiastic visitors and guides. We were able to visit the museum, see the soldier costume of those years, listen to military music, and witness a liberation army real combat, which was especially thrilling. There was nothing more exciting than seeing the battle unfold with your own eyes. This was great! Many thanks to the university teachers for giving us the possibility to attend this very important holiday," said a foreign student from Vietnam, Tran Van Huong.

On February, 20, a sports and patriotic event dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day was held in the university's gym. 3 teams took part in the competition: university teachers, lyceum students of Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State and course participants. The competition included three stages: mini-football, shooting and intellectual game. Foreign students won a mini-football game, coped with the intellectual game tasks and passed target shooting.

"We really like playing football. And when we had a chance to participate in the competition, we agreed with pleasure. It was very cool! The rivals were strong, it was interesting to compete," shared Osei Abraham and Kunene Siyanda, students of the preparatory department.