In April 2024, the Competition of Student Initiatives under ‘StudInsight’ was held within the framework of the University Development Programme. In total, nine initiatives were submitted, three of which were declared winners.
They will receive financial support from the ‘Priority-2030’ grant and will be realized as part of the program's work with talents.
Elizaveta Tsapkova’s project, ‘Scientific and Educational School for Children: “Science in Action,” is designed to identify talents among pupils interested in science;
Evelina Nurgalieva and Victoria Kalinkina, within the framework of the project ‘Active Life with Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University’, have suggested a number of activities to attract talented young athletes to the university;
Arina Golovataya and Stephanie Chalaya, through the joint project ‘Artefacts of Russia', will create a new creative space at the university for communication between talented international students and students from Russia.
Congratulations! We are looking forward to the start of project realization!