Публикации сотрудников Приамурского государственного университета имени Шолом-Алейхема за 2019 г. в изданиях индексируемых в информационно-аналитических базах Scopus и Web of Science

Scopus 2019

1. Pogorelova, A.V., Zemlyak, V.L., Kozin, V.M. Body motion in liquid under ice plate with snow cover // Applied Ocean Research, 2019, 84, с. 32-37.

2. Bazhenov, Ruslan I.          Arranging Student Scientific Research as an Educational Technology: The Experience of Regional Universities of Russia         // EDUCATION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 8358954, 2019

3. Zemlyak V.L., Vasilev A.S., Ipatov K.I., Kozin V.M. experimental and numerical investigations of the influence of reinforcement on the load-carrying capacity of ice crossings // Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2019. Т. 56. № 1. С. 37-43.

4. Богаченко Н.Г., Воротилкина И.М., Бянкина Л.В.    The Integrated Expanse of the University in Solving Social Problems of Youth Health // Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2019, 139, с. 289-295

5. Bereznitsky S.V., Halechko I.I., Primak P.V.      "...About the places in which before the Russian people does not happen...": fate, service, contribution to the science of the eighteenth century of Vasilii Andreevich Hmetevskii // Былые годы. Российский исторический журнал. 2019. № 50 (1). С. 20-28.

6. Фишман Б.Е. О субъектности студента вуза в образовательной деятельности (About Subjectivity of a University Student in Educational Activity) // Высшее образование в России (Higher Education in Russia). 2019. Т. 28. № 5. С. 145-154.

7. Pogorelova, A.V., Zemlyak, V.L., Kozin, V.M.  Moving of a submarine under an ice cover in fluid of finite depth // Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2019,  31(3), с. 562-569

8. Zemlyak, V.L., Kozin, V.M., Baurin, N.O., Nazarova, V.P. Influence of Ice Cover on the Motion of a Submerged Body       // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, 1214(1),012003

9. Sedova, N., Sedov, V., Bazhenov, R, Luchaninov, D., Glagolev, V. An interactive environment for teaching a watch crew to act properly in case of wind and wave perturbation // Vibroengineering Procedia, 2019, 23, с. 154-159

10. Luchaninov, D., Glagolev, V., Bazhenov, R. Modeling and developing the information system for a programming contest 'programmers' league' // International Science and Technology Conference "EastConf", EastConf,  2019, 8725361

11. Воротилкина И.М., Королева И.В.  Университет и профсообщество соцработников как субъекты подготовки кадров (University and professional society of social workers as subjects of personnel training) // Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii 28(5), с. 161-167.

12. Byankina, L.V., Khotimchenko, A.V., Vorotilkina, I.M., Prokopyeva, M.M., Kornilova, A.G. The use of training devices in the strength training of disabled athletes       // International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019, 8(4), с. 985-989

13. Шаповалова О.Е. , Шкляр Н.В.        Кафедра университета и социосфера региона (Department of a university and social sphere of the region) // Высшее образование в России. 2019. Т. 28. № 5. С. 155-160.

14. Zemlyak V.L., Baurin N.O., Kozin V.M., Chizhiumov S.D., Matiushina A.A.        The influence of the bottom contour on the deformed state of the ice cover due to the motion of the submarine // Applied Ocean Research. 2019. Т. 87. С. 204-210.

15. Баженова Н.Г. Региональный университет: ориентиры самообновления (Regional University: Guidelines for Self-Renewal) // Высшее образование в России. 2019. Т. 28. № 5. С. 129-138.

16. Sedova, N., Sedov, V., Bazhenov, R.  Intelligent system of automatic ship course operation based on the neural network governor mechanism // International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing, ICIEAM, 2019, 8742995

17. Dulesov, A.S., Karandeev, D.J., Bazhenov, R.I., Krasnova, T.G., Dulesova, N.V. A comparison of the expected and statistical probability distribution of system failures // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 537(6),062027

18. Клинская Е.О. Система экологического образования в региональном вузе (The System of Environmental Education in the Regional University)         // Высшее образование в России. 2019. Т. 28. № 5. С. 139-144.

19. KRASOTA T., BAZHENOV R., MIRONOVA I., ARUTJUNOVA G., LISIENKO S., SHIKHANOVA R. The Regional Investment Activity and the Problem of Investment Intensification (As Exemplified By the Jewish Autonomous Region) // Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) 10-11 April 2019 Granada, Spain ISBN: 978-0-9998551-2-6 Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 Editor Khalid S. Soliman International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA)

20. Козин В.М., Васильев А.С., Земляк В.Л., Ипатов К.И. Исследование несущей способности ледяных балок в условиях чистого изгиба при усилении армирующими элементами (BEARING CAPACITY OF REINFORCED ICE BEAMS EXPOSED TO SIMPLE BENDING) // Криосфера Земли (Earth's Cryosphere). 2019. Т. 23. № 5 (97). С. 67-72.

21. Kochitov, M., Luchaninov, D., Bazhenov, R., Masyagin, V., Dudareva, O., Mendel, V., Biymursaeva, B. The IT system development for arranging scientific research contests   // 2019 Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 с. 3966-3975

22. Sedova, N., Sedov, V., Bazhenov, R., Masyagin, V., Bakhvalov, S., Dorofeev, A., Arkhipova, Z. Blender virtual polygonal modeling for marine crafts          // 2019 Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 с. 1182-1191

23. Pogorelova, A.V., Zemlyak, V.L.        Influence of compressive force in floating plate on its deflections at the unsteady body motion in liquid // 2019 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1268(1),012057

24. Dulesov, A.S., Karandeev, D.J., Krasnova, T.G., Bazhenov, R.I., Kochetkov, V.P. Entropy approach to the evaluation of the integration processes in agro-industrial complex // 2019 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 315(3),032007

25. Kozin, V. M., Vasil'ev, A.S., Zemlyak, V.L., Ipatov, K.I. Исследование предельного состояния ледяного покрова в условиях чистого изгиба при усилении армирующими элементами // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Математика и механика. 2019. № 61. С. 61-69. (Investigation of the limit state of ice cover under conditions of pure bending when using reinforcing elements // VESTNIK TOMSKOGO GOSUDARSTVENNOGO UNIVERSITETA-MATEMATIKA I MEKHANIKA-TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS Выпуск: 61 Стр.: 61-69 Опубликовано: OCT 2019)

26. Sedova, N., Sedov, V., Bazhenov, R. Model Investigation for Determining Danger Level of Observable Sea Craft in Heavy Traffic Zone // 2019 Proceedings - 2019 International Russian Automation Conference, RusAutoCon 2019,  8867731

27. Generalov, I; Suslov, S.; Bazhenov, R.; Firsova, E.; Shatalov, M.; Igoshin, A; Shnarkina, N/ Economic justification of the territorial grain cluster // 2019 Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020, С. 4354-4360

28. I.L Revutskaya, V Yu,  Polyakov and A B Sukhoveeva. Ion-exchange demanganation of drinking waters in the Oktyabrsky District of the Jewish Autonomous Region // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. 381 (2019) 012086.

29. Bahrushin, A.P., Bahrushina, G.I., Bazhenov, R.I.  A reversible image watermarking scheme based on a new modulation mode of DCT coefficients // 2019 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1399(3),033025

30. Kharakhinov, V., Sosinskaya, S., Dorofeev, R., Dorofeev, A., Bazhenov, R.          Information technology of accounting the impact of data reduction methods on the results of classification of plant leaves // 2019 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1399(3),033006

31. Sedova, N.A., Sedov, V.A., Dudareva, O.V., Bazhenov, R.I., Lavrushina, E.G. An Autosteering Gear System with a Fuzzy Regulator Adjusted by a Neural Network // Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies" IT and QM and IS 2019 8928410, с. 197-202

32. Gorbunova, T.N., Koltunov, I.I., Bazhenov, R.I., Popovich, A.E., Tumanova, M.B.  Multi-criteria Study of Navigation Systems and Software for the Construction of Information and Navigation System of the Historical Building // Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies" IT and QM and IS 2019, 8928322, с. 417-420

33. Eyrikh, N.V., Fishman, B.E., Bazhenov, R.I., Markova, N.V., Pitsuk, I.L. Hands-On Games for Motivating Students' Math Training // Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies" IT and QM and IS 2019, 8928404, с. 477-481

34. Vasilyev, A.S. Research of stressed-state stiffened hollow strengthened concrete slabs in cracked condition // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 687(3),033019

35. Makarenko, V., Pozdnyakova, T., Revutskaya, I. How local environmental restrictions affect environmental situation in urban system // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 687(6),066028

36. Afanasyev, A.P. Application Weighted Voronoi Diagrams to Determine the Areas of Responsibility of Transformer Substation, with Accounting Heterogeneity of Load Density // International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon-2019, 2019, 8934008

37. Luchaninov, D., Bazhenov, R., Glagolev, V., Solovev, D.B. IT Application for Organizing of Research Competitions // International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon-2019, 2019, 8934078

38. Bahrushin, A., Bahrushina, G., Bazhenov, R. Multi-Layer, Fully Reversible Watermarking Scheme Using Odd-Even Modification of Fourier Magnitude // International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon-2019, 8933964

39. Sedova, N., Bazhenov, R., Sedov, V. Intelligent Strategies for the Wind Chill Effect Assessment // International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon-2019, 2019, 8934738

40. Rogozhnikova, E.G., Kozin, V.M., Zemlyak, V.L. Experimental studies of influence of the distance between loads on the nature of destruction of an ice cover when paired loads are moving over the ice cover // Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference с. 729-734, 2019

41. Glagolev, V., Bazhenov, R., Luchaninov, D., Parkhomenko, N., Ivanova, O. The Performance of Geoinformation Software for Fire Weather Forecast // SIBIRCON 2019 - International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, Proceedings 8958059, с. 407-411, 2019

WoS 2019

1. Pogorelova, A.V., Zemlyak, V.L., Kozin, V.M.  Body motion in liquid under ice plate with snow cover // Applied Ocean Research, 2019, 84, с. 32-37

2. Bazhenov, Ruslan I. Arranging Student Scientific Research as an Educational Technology: The Experience of Regional Universities of Russia // EDUCATION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 8358954, 2019

3. Zemlyak V.L., Vasilev A.S., Ipatov K.I., Kozin V.M. EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE INFLUENCE OF REINFORCEMENT ON THE LOAD-CARRYING CAPACITY OF ICE CROSSINGS // Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2019. Т. 56. № 1. С. 37-43.

4. Васильев А.С., Козин В.М., Ипатов К.И., Земляк В.Л. Экспериментальное и численное исследование влияния армирования на несущую способность ледовых переправ (EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE INFLUENCE OF REINFORCEMENT ON THE LOAD-CARRYING CAPACITY OF ICE CROSSINGS) // Основания, фундаменты и механика грунтов, №1, 2019, стр. 14-19

5. Shtepa J., Bazhenov R., Nadezhda Eyrikh, Glagolev V., Luchaninov D., Smirnova A. Schoolchildren’s project and research work implementation by means of training robotics // Proceedings of INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February 2019- Dubai, U.A.E. -Р. 262 – 267.

6. Bereznitsky S.V., Halechko I.I., Primak P.V.      "...About the places in which before the Russian people does not happen...": fate, service, contribution to the science of the eighteenth century of Vasilii Andreevich Hmetevskii     // Былые годы. Российский исторический журнал. 2019. № 50 (1). С. 20-28.

7. Pogorelova, A.V., Zemlyak, V.L., Kozin, V.M.  Moving of a submarine under an ice cover in fluid of finite depth // Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2019,  31(3), с. 562-569

8. Zemlyak, V.L., Kozin, V.M., Baurin, N.O., Nazarova, V.P. Influence of Ice Cover on the Motion of a Submerged Body // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019, 1214(1),012003

9. Nevelichko, L; Bazhenov, R; Shnarkina, N; Arutjunova, G; Mironova, I. Poverty treated as a Russian social problem // 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (INTCESS), Dubai, U ARAB EMIRATES публ.: FEB 04-06, 2019,  PROCEEDINGS OF INTCESS 2019- 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES  Стр.: 255-261   Опубликовано: 2019

10. Levkova, T; Bazhenov, R; Solina, S; Romanova, M; Chebarykova, S.         Ethic characteristics of decision-making by students in situation of moral choice // Conference on Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCGM), Russian Acad Sci, Complex Res Inst Kh I Ibragimov, Groznyi, RUSSIA публ.: NOV 01-03, 2018, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN GLOBALISM (SCTCGM 2018) Серия книг: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences Том: 58  Стр.: 660-667 Опубликовано: 2019

11. Mikhailova, SS; Bazhenov, R.; Budazhanaeva, M; Shulunova, I. Typology of constituent entities of russia on mortality of working age population // Conference on Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCGM), Russian Acad Sci, Complex Res Inst Kh I Ibragimov, Groznyi, RUSSIA публ.: NOV 01-03, 2018, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN GLOBALISM (SCTCGM 2018) Серия книг: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences Том: 58 Стр.: 778-784 Опубликовано: 2019

12. Generalov, I; Suslov, S; Bazhenov, R; Sibiryaev, A; Polivaeva, O. Factors of growth of efficiency of grain production in the nizhny Novgorod // Conference on Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCGM), Russian Acad Sci, Complex Res Inst Kh I Ibragimov, Groznyi, RUSSIA публ.: NOV 01-03, 2018, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN GLOBALISM (SCTCGM 2018)  Серия книг: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences Том: 58 Стр.: 875-881 Опубликовано: 2019

13. Karynbaeva O.V., Shapovalova O.E., Shklyar N.V., Emelyanova I.A., Borisova E.A. Motivational-personal readiness of teachers to model an inclusive educational environment (МОТИВАЦИОННО – ЛИЧНОСТНАЯ ГОТОВНОСТЬ ПЕДАГОГОВ К МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЮ ИНКЛЮЗИВНОЙ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ СРЕДЫ)   // AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2019. Т. 9. № 1. С. 23-26.

14. Shapovalova O.E., Karynbaeva O.V., Emelyanova I.A., Borisova E.A., Dunaeva E.S. The study of basic features of attention among junior schoolchildren with intellectual disability (Изучение основных свойств внимания у младших школьников с нарушением интеллекта) // AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 2019. Т. 9. № 1 S6. С. 77-80.

15. Zemlyak V.L., Baurin N.O., Kozin V.M., Chizhiumov S.D., Matiushina A.A. The influence of the bottom contour on the deformed state of the ice cover due to the motion of the submarine // Applied Ocean Research. 2019. Т. 87. С. 204-210.

16. Ипатов К.И., Васильев А.С., Земляк В.Л. Исследование влияния поверхностного армирования на несущую способность льда (Study of the influence of surface reinforcement on the bearing capacity of ice)                     // Вычислительная механика сплошных сред. (Computational Continuum Mechanics) 2019. Т. 12. № 1. С. 98-105.

17. Еремкина Е.С., Трофимова Е.Б. Концепт предатель в национальном сознании носителей русского и китайского языков (по данным ассоциативного эксперимента) (Concept of TRAITOR in National Consciousness of Native Speakers of Russian and Chinese Languages (according to Data of Associative Experiment)) // Научный диалог. 2019. № 5. С. 60-74.

18. KRASOTA T., BAZHENOV R., MIRONOVA I., ARUTJUNOVA G., LISIENKO S., SHIKHANOVA R. The Regional Investment Activity and the Problem of Investment Intensification (As Exemplified By the Jewish Autonomous Region) // Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA) 10-11 April 2019 Granada, Spain ISBN: 978-0-9998551-2-6 Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 Editor Khalid S. Soliman International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA)

19. Позднякова Т.М., Позднякова А.М. Способ реализации системно-деятельностного подхода при изучении элективного курса "Территориальная организация производительных сил как фактор развития региона" (THE WAY TO IMPLEMENT THE SYSTEM-ACTIVITY APPROACH IN THE STUDY OF THE ELECTIVE COURSE "THE TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTIVE FORCES AS A FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION") // Вестник Воронежского государственного университета. Серия: География. Геоэкология. (Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Geography. Geoecology) 2019. № 3. С. 95-101.

20. Kochitov, M., Luchaninov, D., Bazhenov, R., Masyagin, V., Dudareva, O., Mendel, V., Biymursaeva, B. The IT system development for arranging scientific research contests // 2019 Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 с. 3966-3975

21. Sedova, N., Sedov, V., Bazhenov, R., Masyagin, V., Bakhvalov, S., Dorofeev, A., Arkhipova, Z. Blender virtual polygonal modeling for marine crafts // 2019 Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020 с. 1182-1191

22. Kozin, V. M., Vasil'ev, A.S., Zemlyak, V.L., Ipatov, K.I. Исследование предельного состояния ледяного покрова в условиях чистого изгиба при усилении армирующими элементами // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Математика и механика. 2019. № 61. С. 61-69. (Investigation of the limit state of ice cover under conditions of pure bending when using reinforcing elements // VESTNIK TOMSKOGO GOSUDARSTVENNOGO UNIVERSITETA-MATEMATIKA I MEKHANIKA-TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS Выпуск: 61 Стр.: 61-69 Опубликовано: OCT 2019)

23. Generalov, I; Suslov, S.; Bazhenov, R.; Firsova, E.; Shatalov, M.; Igoshin, A; Shnarkina, N. Economic justification of the territorial grain cluster // 2019 Proceedings of the 33rd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2019: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020, С. 4354-4360

24. Козин В.М., Васильев А.С., Земляк В.Л., Ипатов К.И. Bearing capacity of reinforced ice beams exposed to simple bending (ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ НЕСУЩЕЙ СПОСОБНОСТИ ЛЕДЯНЫХ БАЛОК В УСЛОВИЯХ ЧИСТОГО ИЗГИБА ПРИ УСИЛЕНИИ АРМИРУЮЩИМИ ЭЛЕМЕНТАМИ) // Криосфера Земли (Earth's Cryosphere). 2019. Т. 23. № 5 (97). С. 67-72.