Instructions for Authors

Порядок публикации статей в журнале
Пример оформления статьи в журнал



1. General provisions

1.1. Scientific-educational journal "Bulletin of Priamursky state University named after Sholom-Aleichem" (hereinafter — Vestnik, the journal) is published four times a year (once a quarter).

1.2. The editorial Board of the Vestnik accept for consideration only original, previously unpublished articles in Russian, with the author's certificate and expert opinion on the possibility of publication.

1.3. The articles offered for publication in the journal, are subject to mandatory review and inspection to determine the authorship and the degree of text uniqueness (75% and above) through Internet search engines and the program "Anti-plagiarism" (using the settings of "deep inspection"), as well as the compulsory selective editorial review of texts. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the article or return it for revision.

1.4. The membership and scope of copyright over the published materials are determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Any articles or excerpts from them may be distributed over electronic networks with the obligatory reference to the source. It is prohibited to publish materials of the Vestnik by third parties or organizations in print and electronic media without the permission of the Editorial Board.

1.5. Each author can be the author or co-author of not more than two articles in the same issue of the Vestnik. The number of articles by the same author published in the same issue of the Bulletin can be increased only by the special decision of the Editorial Board.

1.6. The publication of the scientific papers of the faculty, graduate students, university applicants is free of charge. Each author is given one free of charge copy of the Vestnik with his article. Royalties are not paid. Manuscripts and related materials are not returned.

1.7. Deadlines for submissions to the next issue:

  • No. 1 until January 31;
  • No. 2 until April 30;
  • No. 3 until July 31;
  • No. 4 until October 31.

1.8. The articles that do not meet the requirements for registration (see section 2), will not be accepted and returned to the authors for revision, without consideration of the merits.


2. Requirements for the presentation of articles

2.1. Manuscripts may be submitted by post (1 hard copy) as well as an electronic copy. The author/authors must attach to the article such documents as

  • an expert evaluation of the publication possibility (Appendix 1);
  • the author can additionally submit a review of the article and the results of the plagiarism checker "Antiplagiat";
  • an evaluation of the scientific supervisor (for postgraduate students).

2.2. The hard copy of the article is signed by all authors; signatures are placed at the end of the manuscript.

2.3. The volume should be from 4 to 16 pages of text for articles and from 2 to 4 pages of text for short reports, including a list of literature, tables and drawings.

2.4. Compulsory elements of articles:

  • UDC number (universal decimal classification, located on the first page in the upper left corner);
  • information about the author (co-authors) in Russian and English: Surname Name Patronymic name of the author, academic degree, academic title, place of employment (full name of the organization), position, address with the index, contact phone number and e-mail address;
  • title of the article in Russian and English
  • abstract in Russian and English;
  • keywords in Russian and English;
  • text of the article;
  • references in Russian and in the Roman alphabet;
  • drawings, diagrams and captions to them (on single sheets).

2.5. Recommendations for the content of English texts and transliteration:

2.5.1. The surnames of the authors are transliterated:

  • it is important for the author to choose one variant of spelling the surname and to use it in all articles;
  • to use the transliteration system (Appendix 2), e.g. Nikolaeva Valentina V.

2.5.2. Translation of the name of the organization. The translation is the official version of the full name of the organization in English (as in the charter):

  • minimum: name of the organization, city, country;
  • the usage of the abbreviation is undesirable or it can be written in parentheses after the full name, e.g. Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University, Birobidzhan, Russia.

2.5.3. The abstract in English to the article in the Russian language should perform the function of an independent source of information. It must be:

  • informative (it should not contain common words);
  • original (it is not a literal translation of the abstract in Russian);
  • substantial (it conveys the main content of the article and the results of the research);
  • structured (it follows the logic of described the results in the article);
  • written in good English;
  • compact, but not short (from 150 to 250 words).

2.5.4. The structure and examples of lists of literature in the Latin alphabet can be found in Appendix 3.

2.6. Requirements for the article layout:

  • the page parameters must be 210 x 297 mm (A4), book orientation, mirror margins;
  • margins of the pages: left – 24 mm, right – 64 mm, top – 24 mm, bottom – 80 mm;
  • left binding;
  • the text must be in Microsoft Word for Windows;
  • Book Antiqua font;
  • line spacing: 1;
  • font size: 10 pt;
  • indentation: 7.5 mm;
  • font size of compulsory elements of articles (2.4, except for the text of the article): 8 pt.

2.7. Abbreviations, except for generally used or specially mentioned by the author, are not allowed.

2.8. References should be included in the list of literature and presented in accordance with GOST R (National Standard) 7.05-2008. References to the literature within the text are presented in square brackets and contain the number in the list and the page number [25, p. 359]. Rules on the presentation of references can be found in Appendix 4.

2.9. Notes are given as footnotes with page numbering.

2.10. Formulas are numbered in parentheses.

2.11. Tables should have headings and continuous page numbering within the article.

2.12. All illustrations (graphics, diagrams, photographs, maps) are referred to as drawings and have continuous page numbering. The number of tables and drawings within the article is no more than 6.

2.12.1. Illustrations are not included in the text, but there is a reference where illustrations should be.

2.12.2. Illustrations are presented as individual .gif, .tif, .jpeg, .bmp files, and printed on single sheets. Captions to illustrations are printed on a single sheet.

2.13. The author of the article is responsible for the content, correspondence of articles to the linguistic and literary norms, as well as for copyright compliance when using illustrations and other materials.


3. Peer review process

3.1. All scientific articles submitted to the Editorial Board of the scientific and educational journal Vestnik of Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University are subject to peer review.

3.2. The editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief), executive editor of an issue of the journal, technical editor of the publishing house determine the correspondence of the article to the relevant topics of the journal, to the requirements of presentation and send it for a peer review.

3.3. Reviewers can be both members of the Editorial Board and highly qualified specialists and scientists of Sholom-Aleichem Priamursky State University and other scientific and educational institutions (Grand PhDs, professors or PhDs, associate professors) whose areas of study are close to the topic of the article. The reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the peer-reviewed article.

3.4. Time limits of reviewing are individually determined by the executive editor of each issue of the journal.

3.5. The review is conducted confidentially. The author of the article is given an opportunity to read the text of the review.

3.6. The text of the negative review is sent to the author on behalf of the Editorial Board of the Vestnik.

3.7. The positive review is not a sufficient basis for the publication of the article. The final decision on the appropriateness of the publication is made by the editor-in-chief or his deputy.

3.8. After the Editorial Board of the journal makes a decision to publish the article, the executive editor of the issue of the journal or the executive editor of the Vestnik informs the author about the decision and dates of publication.

3.9. The originals of the reviews are stored in the editorial office of the Vestnik for 5 years from the date of publication, copies of the reviews are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon admission to the editorial office of the corresponding request.


4. Requirements to the content of the review

4.1. The review should include a qualified analysis of the article material, its objective and reasoned assessment and reasonable recommendations.

4.2. The review should include the author's name (s) and the title of the reviewed article, the date of review, reviewer's signature, information about the reviewer (name, surname, academic title and degree, place of work, position).

4.3. The review covers the following issues:

  • whether the content of the article corresponds to the declared in the title theme and modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thinking;
  • whether the article is available to the readers for whom it is designed, from the point of view of language, style and arrangement of the material, clarity of tables, diagrams, figures and formulas;
  • whether it is appropriate to publish the articles based on the literature previously published on the subject;
  • what are the positive aspects and disadvantages of the article;
  • what corrections and additions need to be made by the author.

4.4. The final part of the review should contain conclusion about the article as a whole and a clear recommendation about the advisability of its publication in the Vestnik (recommended with the corrections noted by the reviewer, or not recommended for publication in the journal) on a particular scientific direction corresponding to the nomenclature of scientific specialties approved by VAK of the Russian Federation.